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  1. Support leg bends on landing, then straightens to push off.

  2. Land and push off the ball of the foot (Ball-Heel)

  3. Non-support leg bent and swings in rhythm with support leg

  4. Head stable, eyes focused forwards throughout the jump.

  5. Arms bent and swing forward throughout the jump.


                                           Common Errors

  • Lands flat on the foot

  • Arms held slightly off to the sides

  • Arms do not swing in rhythm with the support leg.

                                   Activity 1 - Rats and Rabbits

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is for the students to develop their skill of hopping.


Procedure: Students are divided into two groups, rats and rabbits. Each team lines up one behind the other with an arm space between each line and standing on one leg. When rats are called they hop to their side and rabbits try to catch them. When rabbits are called they hop to their side while the rats try to catch them.


No equipment needed.

                               Activity 2 - Hop Scotch

Purpose: The purpose of this exercise is for the students to develop their skill of hopping in straight lines and different directions.


Procedure: A course is set up using hula hoops/lily pads students will complete the course in groups in relay fashion. Develop the course in the following way:

  1. Set up the course in a straight line (Right leg going up and right leg on way back etc.)

  2. A zig-zag pattern

  3. A proper hopscotch manner (1,2,1,2).


Equipment: Hula hoops, lilypads

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