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1. Eyes focused on the object ball throughout the catch.

2. Feet move so that the body is in line with the object.

3. Hands move to meet the object.

4.Hands and fingers positioned correctly to catch the object.

5. Catch and control the ball with hands only.

6. Elbows bent to absorb force of the ball.


                                    Common Errors

  • Eyes close as object travels towards the body.

  • Arms trap the object close to the chest by 'scooping' it.

  • Palms face upwards.

                                       Activity 1 - Bean Bag Drop

Purpose: To develop student's ability to react and catch an object.


Procedure: Students are in pairs. students face each other at arm's length apart. One student holds a bean bag straight out in their hand at eye level. The bean bag is then dropped and must be caught by the partner before it touches the ground.

                                           Activity 2 - Fun Catch

Purpose: To develop students’ ability to catch the ball under pressure.


Procedure: Students may work individually or in pairs depending on the amount of equipment. Each of the participating students need a medium sized ball. Students will throw the ball directly overhead and aim to catch it again before it hits the ground. The teacher will then add in the following tasks:

  • Clap once, twice, three times before catching the ball.

  • Touch the ground before catching the ball.

  • Turn around 360 degrees before catching the ball.

A competitive aspect can be brought into the game by asking students to do ‘5 jumping jacks’ if they drop the ball.


Equipment: Medium sized balls

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