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                                                             Activity 1 - Musical Balance


Purpose: The purpose of this is to warm up students while introducing the skill of balance.


Procedure: Have the students walk/jog in any direction within a designated area. When the music stops, the teacher calls out a number and the students must balance on that number of limbs.


Equipment: Music

                            Activity 2 - Balance on one leg (thumb wars, rock paper scissors)


Purpose: The purpose of this is to work on individual imbalances and help improve your stability on one leg.


Procedure:  Get the students to stand on one leg and compete against each other in various games such as rock paper scissors and thumb wars while they try to maintain their balance.


Equipment: No equipment needed

  1. Support leg still, foot flat on the ground.

  2. Non- support leg bent, not touching the support leg.

  3. Head stable, eyes focused forward.

  4. Trunk stable and upright

  5. No excessive arm movements.


Common Errors


  • Bent leg touching off the support leg

  • Eyes focused on the ground.

  • Arm movements


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